Whether you have a patient suffering from depression, anxiety, or any other emotional disorder, Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT) is an incredibly efficient and effective form of therapy. At ETT Training, we specialize in training therapists in the science and art of Emotional Transformation Therapy to help their patients thrive. ETT is a unique approach to intrapersonal therapy, so here are four things you need to know about this incredible process. To find out more, plan to attend an upcoming training or reach out to ETT Training today!
What is Emotional Transformation Therapy?

Spectral Resolution Techniques (SRT)
Utilizing a spectrum of saturated colors, SRT is a theoretical and practical tool in the toolbox of Emotional Transformation Therapy that helps facilitate quick diagnostic areas of emotional disengagement. This procedure brings up non-conscious emotions and is a major part of the impact of emotional transformation therapy and its long-lasting impact. In addition, this treatment has been shown to eliminate chronic distress in as little as one session!

One-On-One Therapy
Emotional Transformation Therapy is always done one-on-one with a client and clinician, not in group therapies or other forms of shared therapy sessions. Whether you are looking for non-pharmacological methods to treat depression, addiction, or anxiety, we are able to train you how to perform high-quality and reliable one-on-one ETT therapy.

ETT relies upon utilizing visual brain stimulation and intrapersonal therapy techniques, which means we focus on training clinicians utilizing the body’s natural neurogenic responses. Find out more about ETT today!

Quick Results
With results that are often extremely quick-- in as little as one session, ETT is a compelling therapy modality for a wide variety of conditions. Whatever your patients may be going through, ETT Austin can help them to live an emotionally healthy life.
Whether you are searching for therapy training to help with your patients with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other emotional distress, we are committed to providing you with the training you need to provide effective therapy services. The ETT method is used by therapists all over the globe. So, if you are looking for cutting edge therapy techniques, find out more with ETT Training.